Long Distance Energy Healing

For almost 30 years I have done distant energy healing with people all over the world, providing the opportunity for relief from stress, emotional issues, sadness, physical ailments and spiritual crisis. I can help people get unstuck! If you are in a difficult transition in your life an energy healing can shift you into more ease and comfort.

Distance does not limit the effect of energy healing! Like prayer we can create a beneficial influence on someone’s health with the power of our intention and focus. Energy healing can support the changes you want to make in your life, and can give you more resiliency in the face of stressful circumstances.

The Institute of Noetic Sciences has been studying the effectiveness of distant energy healing for over 30 years, conclusion: IT CAN WORK! http://www.noetic.org/research/project/compassionate-intention-prayer-and-distant-healing/reading/

Working with Overwhelming and Distressing Experiences

When we have experienced a threat to our physical, emotional or psychological well-being our body’s alarm systems are turned on and then never quite turn off. This creates hyper-vigilence, which is the state of always scanning the environment for danger.

In order to restore balance, we have to be able to feel our body, and tolerate uncomfortable sensations. This needs to be done in very small increments, so that you can integrate previously unfelt feelings.

Somatic Experiencing,  is a gentle process that is led by your nervous system, and the sensations in your body. It gently discharges stuck memories, sensations and feelings, so that normal functioning can be returned. I combine this work with energy healing to clear the remnants of overwhelming life experiences in the subtle body.

Chronic discomfort

“The human spirit is stronger than anything that happens to it.” C.C. Scott

Chronic discomfort is described as discomfort that lasts longer than 3 months. It is very hard to treat medically because of its complex origins.

When I work with chronic discomfort, I explore potential physical and emotional causes, and also work with the nervous system with the intention to soothe and calm the nerves. While the effects are not always permanent, significant reduction in discomfort can happen in just one session. This can allow for the system to relax as the discomfort syndrome can be broken.

Chronic discomfort can produce isolation and loneliness, and the relational aspect of nurturing touch is often very nourishing and restorative.


“When you are standing in that forest of sorrow, you cannot imagine that you could ever find your way to a better place. But if someone can assure you that they themselves have stood in that same place, and now have moved on, sometimes this will bring hope.” Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

To mend grief requires time, and often you need a helping hand to guide you through devastating loss. I work with the energetic relationship cords that have connected to the person you have lost.

It is believed that these cords extend outwards from each of our chakras, and are literally cut when we lose someone we love, which is why we feel so much sorrow. The energetic repair of the cords, can ease the emotional and physical grief of loss, and can allow the love to remain. It can help clear unresolved issues with your loved ones and restore energy to your system that has been depleted by the grieving process.

Life Transitions

Life transitions such as divorce, loss of a loved one, loss of a job or a new beginning – all present unique challenges. You may find that you have increased anxiousness  or sadness during times of great change. Hands-on energy healing can help support your whole being to feel empowered and proactive during these transitions. When everything around you is undergoing change, energy healing can help you anchor to the core of strength and courage within, so that you can move forward in life.

Being Mistreated or Manipulated

“The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.” Mark Caine

I help you recover from situations where you have been mistreated or manipulated by providing a safe and nurturing environment in which to explore your feelings and utilize challenging situations from the past as a mechanism for soul growth. I use Energy healing and Somatic Experiencing to help you build the strength, to either stand up for yourself or leave a harmful situation. I help you find your voice, connect to your core sense of self, and improve your self esteem.

Cancer Recovery

I have not found one central cause of cancer. It seems to arise from a number of factors, including genetics, life style, toxicity, and emotional issues.

My intention is to help you identify unuseful patterns of relating, strengthen your faith, and prioritize the use of your time and energy.

Energy healing can be extremely effective in restoring vitality after you have received chemotherapy and/or radiation. It can help prevent the nausea associated with chemotherapy, as well as clear the toxicity when chemotherapy is finished. I can accomplish this by working on clearing the liver and moving energy in the lymph system. If there has been surgery, the whole energy field is disrupted and I can stabilize and repair the energy ruptures.

Radiation damages the structured levels of the energy field, and I am able to knit those levels back together with lines of light. This allows more energy to flow through the system and eases the pain as the “radiation burn” rises up from the deeper layers of tissue.

In addition, I can help you have resiliency in facing the emotional aspects of the many decisions and issues that arise while living with and treating cancer.

Coping skills

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” Confucius

Coping skills are the product of having increased resiliency in our emotional, behavioral reactions. Energy healing can help you to fundamentally shift negative patterns in your energy field, so that you can cope better with life’s ups and downs. It can increase your sense of grounding and safety in the world.

Through Somatic experiencing, I can help you have a menu of resources aimed to increase your ability to cope with stressful situations.

I provide empathy and support so that you don’t feel helpless and hopeless. Together, we can find positive solutions and reframe problems as challenges for spiritual growth.

Support for Spiritual Awakening
The spiritual awakening process can bring up many uncomfortable conditions, as well as unprocessed overwhelming life experiences and grief. It can catapult you into states of bliss as well as states of terror and panic. 
I have been able to act as a spiritual guide and mentor for those who are navigating the process of awakening, based on my inner experience with my ongoing 20-year Kundalini process.
Having someone in your life who has been there and understands what you are going through, can ease the feelings of isolation and loneliness that are often present when a sudden awakening disrupts your life.
I can help you create a healthy, grounded, spiritual lifestyle to support your process. Energy healing sessions can help resolve the blocks in the subtle body related to past wounding so that you can experience more ease and comfort in your life as you integrate your spiritual experience. 

Through Somatic experiencing, I can help you have a menu of resources aimed to increase your ability to cope with stressful situations.

I provide empathy and support so that you don’t feel helpless and hopeless. Together, we can find positive solutions and reframe problems as challenges for spiritual growth.

While Dani Antman cannot guarantee any specific results and the following testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome an individual may experience using her services, these clients reports having a positive experience.

“I recently had an opportunity to work with Dani Antman over the phone, and found the experience to be unique and powerful, allowing a deep healing for both my son and myself. Dani is warm and genuine, an amazing energy healer working in many realms with courage and sensitivity. I would recommend her work to anyone who is willing to visit the deepest places in their souls in search of their own inner Truth.”

Patricia Hess, Founder of Center Heart, Princeton, NJ

After our session, I slept like a log from 11 to 5 – woke up once,  then went back to “light” sleep till 6! I was so relaxed. The best way I describe my light sleep this night is “ a person with no history,” I had zero thoughts in my head! I feel rejuvenated, clear and ready to receive my day. Thank you! 

Samar A, Dubai

Undergoing energy healing sessions with Dani Antman has been a deeply meaningful experience that is steadily improving the trajectory of my life. I was referred to Dani by a doctor because of overwhelming pain that was still eating away at my being. With Dani I am cultivating a deeper sense of self that is no longer tethered to my insecurities and bad memories. I am learning how to take back control of my body and mind and to redirect my energy toward a meaningful life purpose. 

Our sessions that have set me on a different, better path. I am continually struck by how open and interested Dani is in addressing all the facets of my being. I have been given a unique and powerful set of life strategies. I am finally thinking about my future without an overwhelming feeling of dread and fear. I know there will be obstacles, but it is a huge relief to know that I am not alone on my healing journey. I am lucky to have Dani’s support.

Stephen M. 

I feel very grateful to be working with Dani. She has been a tremendous help
to me as I navigate some old wounds and work to release them. Dani has used a
combination of bright insight and intuitive perception that has been very
effective at helping me identify and release previously unconscious blocks. Dani works with me to bypass my overly used
intellect and access deeper levels of knowing which are much more accurate. Dani’s compassionate and loving ways have helped me feel safe enough to overcome my insecurities so that I can do the innerwork I need to do. M. Foster

Wow!! Dani Antman is a great healer. I went to her to help me with some ongoing wounds and not only did they resolve, in addition I had a delicious “mini-vacation” while she gently worked on me. I felt in top form when I left there. I recommend Dani Antman to anyone who wants to feel better, whether physically or emotionally. She has a range of talents to apply to help you.

Patricia S.

I wanted to get back to you and thank you for your sweet, caring, session/treatment.
I felt your loving presence and kindness thoughout our time together and left feeling freer and “lighter”.

You were a healing experience for me along my healing journey, and I Thank You.

Tina Lerner, MA, Licensed HeartMath &
Biofeedback Therapist

My beloved has found me! Like you said!
Gorgeous mature and very spiritual.

What goodness we have manifested through our work together
heartfelt thanks!! 

S.L. Therapist