“Over 35 years ago, I found my life purpose after attending my first life-changing class at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing and I have never looked back.” 

I was a freelance artist in New York City, when I discovered the book Hands of Light, by Barbara Brennan. The year was 1988, and a radically new view of reality opened to me. I learned that the human energy field is the blueprint for our human experience, that we can perceive it and work with it to shift blocked energy patterns in ourselves and others. Most important, I learned the first step on the healing path: Healer, heal thyself. That year, I began the work of self-transformation and I’ve never looked back. 

Several years later, at the School for Nondual Awakening and Healing, I studied a healing modality rooted in the Jewish mystical tradition of Kabbalah. This new paradigm of healing acknowledges the inherent wholeness within our seemingly broken parts, and welcomes the struggles and imperfections of human life as portals to nonduality and an awakened life. When my studies were complete, I became a senior teacher in the school. For more than 12 years, I led workshops and supervision groups throughout both the United States and Europe. 

As I progressed on the path of becoming an energy healing practitioner, I was struck by the prevalence of trauma, specifically unresolved trauma, in the human experience. I was called to complete a certification in Somatic Experiencing, a gentle, body-based method used to heal the symptoms and underlying patterns of overwhelming life events. I’m passionate about this field and continue to participate in trainings of the latest developments in trauma healing and resolution.

 Nondual Kabbalistic Healing (NKH) is integral to my healing practice. NKH draws from the Jewish mystical tradition and uses the ten sefirot of the Tree of Life to enliven your greater wholeness. It can shift the deepest patterns enabling you to engage fully in life with an open heart. Then you can embrace your gifts, instead of turning away from life’s challenges in frustration and fear. Suffering can cease as you have the opportunity to discover your authentic self and the fundamental wholeness that is already present in the midst of adversity.


In 2002, in what evolved into one of the most impactful moments of my life, I met Swami Chandrasekharanand Saraswati of Rishikesh, India. Under the watchful gaze of both he and his American protégé, Joan Harrigan of Patanjali Kundalini Yoga Care, I discovered I had a challenging Kundalini process related to my Jewish lineage. I dedicated myself to spiritual practice—persevering for 12 years through a wide range of physical, emotional, and mental trials. Ultimately, as my Kundalini process improved, I connected to a direct experience of the vastness that is the ground of all existence. The integration of this profound transformation into my daily life continues to this day. It offers me steadiness of consciousness, deep contentment, and the authentic ability to guide others on their spiritual paths.

Ordained as an Interfaith Minister in 2004, I gained an understanding of the universality of all spiritual paths, and now enjoy the honor of officiating weddings, funerals, commitment ceremonies and baby namings.

Today, I run an intimate, one-on-one healing and counseling practice in Santa Barbara, California, and also work via phone and online with clients from around the world. You can learn more about me in Wired for God, Adventures of a Jewish Yogi, a candid memoir of my journey of healing and transformation. It is my deepest wish that the book inspires other sincere spiritual seekers to find their unique paths.